“Your Business, Your Card, Your Connection-Simplified.”
Make networking smarter with MyCo.
Your digital business card solution. Create, customize, and share your business card with ease. No more paper, no more hassle, just simple and eco-friendly connections.
Connect Seamlessly, Anytime, Anywhere.
MyCo lets you network on the go with instant digital sharing. Whether at events, meetings, or casual encounters, your card is always ready.
Personalize Your Card to Reflect Your Brand.
MyCo offers fully customizable designs to match your style and brand. Add your logo, choose colors to create a professional and memorable card that stands out. It's your brand, your way.
Share Your Card Instantly, Anytime.
MyCo makes it easy to share your digital card with a single tap or scan. Whether through a QR code, email, or message, your card is always ready to impress. Say goodbye to carrying paper cards—network effortlessly with MyCo.
Make Every Connection Count
MyCo keeps track of where you meet your new contacts, making it easier to remember important encounters. Add personalized notes to remember key details and ensure that every connection stays meaningful and memorable. Simplify your follow-ups and never miss a beat.
Flexible Sharing
Digital Business Cards
Card Widgets
Choose Your Plan
Get started with MyCo for free – create and share your digital business card effortlessly
Create up to 2 cards
Unlimited card shares
24/7 Support
QR code
Billed Monthly
per month
Unlock advanced features and take your networking to the next level with MyCo Premium
Create up to 5 cards
Unlimited card shares
24/7 Support
Custom color to your card
Custom logo inside QR code
Remove MyCo branding from your card
Unlock advanced features and take your networking to the next level with MyCo Premium
Create up to 5 cards
Unlimited card shares
24/7 Support
Custom color to your card
Billed Annually
per month
Custom logo inside QR code
Remove MyCo branding from your card
Connect. Share. Grow.
Take the first step to Seamless Networking.
Frequently asked questions
MyCo is a digital business card app that allows you to create, customize, and share your professional contact details without the need for physical cards. It’s an eco-friendly and efficient way to network.
Yes, we offer a free plan with essential features.
After signing up, simply follow the step-by-step instructions in the app to design your card. You can add your name, company, job title, contact details, and customize it with colors, logos, and more.
You can share your card via a QR code, email, or text message directly from the app. You can also download your card and share it on social media.
Yes, we take privacy seriously. Your data is stored securely, and we do not share your information with third parties without your consent.
Yes, our support team is available 24/7.
You can share your card via QR code without an internet connection. However, for other methods like email or text, you’ll need to be online.